Tuesday, September 6, 2011

It feels like a Monday to me

Since yesterday was Labor Day and we didn't have school today feels like a Monday. I guess it hasn't officially hit me yet but it's just one step closer to me going back home on Thursday. It's going to feel akward going to all my classes today since I think it's Monday.

Whats going on with this weather???

So last night I tried to come back to MSC to my dorm but the weather was very nasty outside. Coming from Atlanta, we had a lot of rain, thunder as well as wind. I wanted to come back to Macon so I could be all ready for class in the morning. The weather messed my plans up and I had to stay an extra night at home. In a way I think it was for the best. On the news I saw a lot of accidents and traffic was backed up. By staying home an extra night at least I knew I was going to be safe. It was so beautiful Thursday and Friday when I came home but then the weather did a 360. Now it seems like winter is coming early since it's so cold outside today. I hope it starts to warm up again soon! In the end I had to wake up at 4 this morning so I could make it back to Macon on time for class. Due to all the traffic it took me a while but I’m glad I made it back safe and on time. Now I can’t wait to go back home on Thursday.

My first college essay is done!

So last week I was given my first college essay assignment. It still kind of felt like high school because of the whole MLA format thing but at least it wasn’t brand new to me. Even though my final draft wasn't due until today I finished it Thursday night so I could knock it out. I was very fortunate to have my parents there to help me with small edits for my paper. I worked really hard on my first college essay and I hope my professor will feel the same way. I’m excited to see my professor's feedback to my essay!

Labor Day Wekend

I had fun this past weekend for Labor Day. I went back home to Atlanta like I do every weekend. I enjoyed spending time with my family and my boyfriend. The first thing I did when I got back to Atlanta was go to my favorite restaurant. When I walked in the employee's already knew what I was going to order. As soon as I got home I walked through the door and I saw my mom and my dog sandy. There was no better feeling than knowing I was back at home with my family. I also went to the GA state VS. Clark Atlanta game. It was fun and I saw a lot of my old high school friends there. It made me sad knowing that I left a lot of my friends behind while I came here to Macon State College. Now I can't wait to go back home this weekend and see everyone again.